Author : Aymie

Selective Mutism Through the Years

It first became clear that I weren’t speaking in some social situations when I started preschool. School has always been the situation where my anxiety has been at it’s most severe, but it’s not the only setting in which I have struggled in. In this blog post I will be sharing more about what my […]

Autism, Selective Mutism, or both?

Autism and Selective Mutism is an important topic to talk about as there are many misconceptions surrounding the two. Some people may think that Selective Mutism is a form of autism. But that is not the case. Autism and Selective Mutism are two different disorders. They can coexist together, however SM is not a form, […]

More than Shy

Selective Mutism may appear to seem similar as shyness. But there is a big difference between Selective Mutism and shyness. What is Shyness? Shyness is best described as a feeling of fear, or discomfort that can make a person feel uncomfortable, nervous and self conscious, etc, around people. It is seen as a an emotion, […]

When the Words Wouldn’t Come Out

One struggle in school has always been being unable to ask for help when I needed it. I remember one specific moment though where I tried to ask for help. A few years ago in college I tried to speak with my teacher about an assignment that I wasn’t exactly understanding. I had spoken a […]

It is Not a Choice

One assumption surrounding Selective Mutism is that individuals with this is choosing not to speak. This of course is definitely not the case. “Children and adults who struggle with SM do not find their mutism a choice.” Back in the time Selective Mutism used to be referred to as Aphasia Voluntaria because children with this were […]

Selective Mutism: Do’s and Don’ts

Do’s Remove All Direct Pressure To Speak It is important to remove all pressure to speak, in order for them to feel comfortable and at ease around you. Anyone who interacts on a regular basis with someone who has Selective Mutism needs to be taught to remove all pressure around speaking. This is one of […]

Selective Mutism

When I was around the age of 8, my parents found out that I had Selective Mutism. Selective mutism is a severe anxiety disorder in which a person is unable to speak in certain social situations. These can be with classmates in school, or maybe to relatives which they do not see very often. Selective […]

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